Keep your pumpkins looking magical
Published 9:52 am Friday, October 25, 2024
- Early to mid-July is the time to get pumpkin seeds in the ground for them to be ready by Halloween.
To paraphrase Aggie Cromwell, pumpkin care is simple. All you’ve got to do is want it and then let yourself have it. Whether you decorate with whole pumpkins or a giant jack-o’-lantern like in the Halloweentown square, pumpkins can add fun and color to any fall décor. To keep your pumpkins looking fresh, an Alabama Cooperative Extension System regional agent offers some care tips.
Whether at a garden store, farmers market or pumpkin patch, pumpkin care starts with choosing the right pumpkin. Mallory Kelley, an Alabama Extension home grounds, gardens and home pests regional agent, said the healthier a pumpkin is, the longer it will last.
“When choosing your pumpkin, make sure it is very firm and not soft, because that is a sign of the beginning stages of rot,” Kelley said. “You also want to make sure that there are no cracks or blemishes in the outer skin of the pumpkin.”
Caring for Whole Pumpkins
When decorating with whole pumpkins, the location where you put them will impact their longevity. In most cases, outdoor conditions that are dry, shaded, cool and have good air circulation are the best for longer lasting pumpkins.
“Try placing your pumpkins on a brick, a piece of wood or even a plastic plate, rather than directly on the soil,” Kelley said. “Putting the pumpkins directly on the ground will cause them to rot faster. Elevating them allows the air to circulate, keeping the bottom of the pumpkin dry.”
Some pumpkin varieties, such as the Cinderella-type pumpkins, are known for their unique shapes. While these add cool textures and colors to your fall décor, their crevices can be the perfect place for moisture and bacteria and that starts the process of the pumpkins breaking down. If water collects in these crevices from rain or when you are watering nearby plants, Kelley said to dry the water from that area as soon as possible. When using real pumpkins for indoor decorations, you also need to consider their location.
“When pumpkins start to deteriorate, it usually starts at the bottom with rotting juices leaking out,” Kelley said. “So, make sure you put them in an area where they won’t ruin flooring or rugs, or place them on a plastic plate that can protect your surfaces.”
Caring for Carved Pumpkins
While you can’t completely prevent rot, there are some preservation measures that you can take before and after carving your pumpkin. Before carving, Kelley recommends doing the following care steps to prevent microbial growth:
— Rinse the pumpkin with soapy water.
— Mix 1 tablespoon of bleach per 1 gallon of water in a large bucket. Submerge the pumpkin in the mixture, holding it under the water for two minutes.
— After soaking, let the pumpkin air dry completely.
Once you have carved your pumpkin, you can spray the same bleach mixture on the pumpkin every day using a spray bottle. Kelley said you can also add a layer of petroleum jelly to the inside and outside of the pumpkin to keep moisture in the pumpkin.
“Spraying the outside of the pumpkin with an acrylic spray will also prevent fungal spores from penetrating from the skin and starting the rot process,” Kelley said.
In addition to preventing microbial growth, Kelley said you can use battery-operated lights to illuminate your jack-o’-lantern to extend the life of the pumpkin. This will keep the inside of the pumpkin from heating up and drying out. The heat from traditional candles will cook the inside of the pumpkin, making it wilt faster.
Timing is Everything
While carving pumpkins is one of the best traditions of fall, the timing has to be just right. Carving a pumpkin too early will lead to a droopy jack-o’-lantern face when Halloween arrives.
“Carved pumpkins deteriorate much faster than whole pumpkins do,” Kelley said. “Even if you take the steps to prevent rot, I recommend not carving your pumpkin more than one week before Halloween.”
If you simply can’t wait and want to decorate a pumpkin now, Kelley said painting pumpkins is a popular alternative. This is less dangerous and messy than carving with a knife is and is a great activity for small children.
More Information
Don’t let the ghoulish sights on your front porch be rotting pumpkins. Use these tips to preserve your pumpkins this fall. For more information about pumpkins, visit the Alabama Extension website at