Letter: Thank you for remembering a hometown hero

Published 12:00 am Thursday, May 11, 2023

From your Hometown Hero story on Benny Dale Cash (”Hometown Heroes: Benny Dale Cash,” Nov. 3, 2022): I was a medic in Viet Nam. I never met Benny Cash, but did meet a nice couple that used to ride the school bus with him when he went to Ashville High School.

I have been to his grave site and it’s pretty impressive. Every year, on April 30, I try to keep his memory alive.

Thank you for your written article. I have talked to the medic that treated Benny. Benny saved his life by pushing him out of the way of the bullet that struck him. He lived 28 more days, dying on April 30, 1968.

Thank you again for your article.

Former medic in Viet Nam

Randall Underwood
