Ashville High School to debut ‘Seven Brides for Seven Brothers’ on CEPA stage
Published 10:07 am Monday, March 6, 2023
“Seven Brides for Seven Brothers” came to the silver screen in 1954. It debuted on Broadway at Alvin Theater in 1984. This Friday, the Ashville High School Bowtie Bull Dog Theater Company will perform the production for their first time on the stage at Pell City CEPA.
This production was in large part subsidized by a $ 1,500 grant from CEPA ‘s Spotlight Kids Program. The goal of the nonprofit organization is to raise awareness and interest in theater in St. Clair County and make it more available to the youth. While it was a generous donation, this play has a big cast. It also requires costumes, props and scenery representing that era.
In seeking donations, those associated with the production sold space on posters, playbills and membership into the theater company. This involves reserved seats and possibly a plaque depending on the amount of the purchase. Terri Duncan Hipps, Ashville High School math teacher and coordinator of the production, and a sibling worked to raise funds.
“Young verses old. Brothers verses sisters,” to raise funds, she said.
This particular play, a musical with a book written by Lawrence Kasha and David Landay, is a delightful romp, easy to watch but not to perform. Aside from the singing, there are more than one type of synchronized dancing. There are couples, groups and a coordinated dance fight scene, the last of which is difficult to choreograph and even more so to perform. The company started a theater camp during Christmas vacation to learn the story. Since then, they have practiced during the week, on the weekend and sometimes as late as 9p.m. They have even practiced on holidays.
Performances are Friday and Saturday at 7 p.m. There is a matinee on Sunday at 2 p.m.
Tickets are $10 and they can be purchased on GoFan or at the door.
Hipps says she is, “Blessed to work with such a great group of students. Since my degree is in math, the talent you see on stage is student-driven. I get to watch them grow as actors every week. Last year, we had a cast of 17. This year we have a cast of 39. We started with a two day drama camp over Christmas. Now, we are playing at CEPA from March 10-12.”
Those who attend will not just see a play. They will will witness the product of many hours and much effort by numerous people, Hipps said. CEPA is located at 25 Williamson Dr, Pell City.