‘Proud to lead’: Leeds High School Seniors freshen up community

Published 2:40 pm Thursday, December 5, 2019

Leeds High School students, Kayla Gimberg and Cassidee Williams, presented their senior class project idea to the City Council on Monday night.

The project includes playground cleanup and freshening up with new paint, new swings and extend the borders with mulch; installing new batting cage and bleachers at the t-ball field; stain and pressure washing all wood at the tennis courts; fresh paint, new picnic tables and flowers at the bathroom pavilion; updates to the press box including paint and pressure washing all concrete pads and bleachers; and entrance pavilion improvements including constructing new picnic tables, stain wood and paint side panels.

This service project was born when everyone in English class explored ideas of doing certain projects around Leeds. Cassidee, Kayla and two other girls came up with this particular project. They met with City Councilman Ryan Bell and local business owner Heath Drake to get specific ideas for formulating their project.

These four girls chose this project because it’s a place that is close to them. Kayla and Cassidee grew up in the park playing softball from the time they were three years old. Over the years, they had watched the park get to the point that it needed some sprucing up so the girls decided to bring the place that made them who they are today back to life as their senior project.

“I believe that everything has potential and if you give time, patience and a little love, you can make something sore to the eye breathtaking. Other groups have split up and are doing things like helping with the school and things like that, but we wanted to do something for the community. We drove around Leeds thinking about places that needed a little love, we saw the old park and fell in love with the whole idea. We’ve got the hardest project, but we’re proud to lead it,” shared Cassidee.

With this comprehensive service project list, these students plan to accomplish their goals by scheduling a couple of days of community service and enlist other students to participate. To celebrate their accomplishments, this group plans to coordinate a Co-ed Softball Camp possibly in January.

The council thanked these students for the presentation and plans for their class to accomplish.