34-B District Governor visits Moody Lions Club
Published 2:44 pm Thursday, December 5, 2019
- Drawing the winning ticket for the Lions Fundraiser.Pictured left to right: Lion David Moran, District Governor Bubba Bingham, Lion Karl Wade, drawing the ticket and Lion Vince Eiser. Photo submitted
The 34-B District Governor Bubba Bingham was the guest speaker at the Nov. 18 Moody Lions Club meeting. D.G. Bingham serves over the central area of Alabama from the Mississippi line to the Georgia line.
The District Governor spoke about his goals for District 34-B. His goals are to meet the Global Causes that International Pres. Choi has adopted. Global Causes are: Diabetes: To reduce prevalence of diabetes and improve quality of life of those diagnosed; Vision: to prevent avoidable blindness and improve quality of life for people who are blind and the visually impaired; Hunger: Serve to ensure all community members have access to nutritious foods; Environment: Serve to sustainably protect and restore our environment and to improve the well-being of all communities and the last cause is Childhood Cancer: Serve to help those affected by childhood cancer survive and thrive.
The Moody Lions Club has accepted the challenge to complete these Global Causes. Earlier this year the vision cause was completed with eye screenings of all fourth and sixth grade students at Moody Middle School. A Diabetes Walk is planned for early spring of 2020. Moody Lions also have plans to plant trees in spring to fulfil the environment phase of the causes. The Pediatrics Cancer Unit of Children’s Hospital provided a wish list to the Lions Club to assist with needed donations. The Moody Lions have a non-perishable food drive in the months of November and December each year to assist local food pantries to combat hunger in the community.
Lions Vince Eiser and David Moran served on the Pistol Raffle Fundraiser Committee. They invited Prattville Lion Karl Wade, also a guest, to draw the winning ticket. The winner of the Sig Sauer 9mm compact p320 pistol was Floyd Bingham.
The Moody Lions Club wishes to thank every person that participated in this fundraiser.
“Your continual support of our fundraising efforts allows our club the opportunity to continue to fulfill our motto of ‘We Serve’,” said Moody Lion President Jane P. Barker.
Moody Lions have plans for another fundraiser in February 2020. Plans include an “Elvis” Concert with dinner catered by Bluegrass Barbecue on Feb. 22 at the Moody Civic Center. If you are interested in this event contact a member of the Moody Lions Club.
If you would like to be part of the largest service organization in the world, Lions Club International, contact any Lions Club member or in Moody call Lions Club President Jane Barker 205-640-6506.