St. Clair County Farmers Market celebrates 10th Anniversary with Grand Opening Celebration
Published 11:53 am Monday, April 22, 2019
The St. Clair County Farmers Market in Pell City is celebrating their 10th anniversary this year with a big grand opening on Wednesday, May 1 from 2-6 p.m. Since strawberries are now in season, they will be giving away free strawberry shortcake and hot dogs during this event!
The St. Clair County Farmers Market will open every Wednesday, from May 1 through October 30 throughout the growing season, weather permitting, at their new location at the Avondale Mills Walking Track, across the street from Pell City’s Fire Station #1 on Hwy 78.
With the spring growing season now in full swing, virtually any fruit or vegetable you need for your spring/summer picnic or barbeque, when in season, can be found at the local farmers’ market.
Fred Phillips and Brenda Umphrey are serving as the 2019 Co- Market Managers. They’ve already got all their producer’s lined up for this year and will be offering locally grown produce, honey, fresh eggs, goat’s milk soap, baked goods and fried pies. Remember, this is a grower’s-only market and re-selling is not allowed, so what you see at the market has usually been picked fresh that morning by the producer.
The St. Clair County Farmers Market is also a Senior Farmers Market Nutrition Voucher Program redemption site. So, when you receive these vouchers (if you qualified and signed up earlier this year for them which are offered by the Alabama Farmers Market Authority and normally mailed by June), be sure to bring them to spend at the market. They also plan to have a weekly giveaway and free tastings each month.
For updates about what will be available at the Market each week, “like” the St. Clair County “Pell City” Farmers Market page. Special Farmers Market would like to thank the sponsors this year—the Alabama Cooperative Extension System’s St. Clair County Office, City of Pell City, Coosa Valley Resource Conservation and Development Council, and the St. Clair County Conservation District.
For more information about the market, please contact Lee Ann Clark, County Extension Coordinator, at the St. Clair County Extension Office at 205-338-9416. The farmers market already has their producers lined up for this year and are currently not accepting any others.