St. Vincent’s St. Clair Celebrates National Healthcare Week

Published 2:42 pm Friday, May 18, 2018

Nurses, physicians, and various staff log numerous hours, day in and day out, in order to provide the safe patient care all citizens expect when visiting a hospital.

Each year, National Nurses’ Week and National Hospital Week are celebrated, to create an atmosphere of appreciation among healthcare facilities, showing gratitude for the dedication and hardwork each man and woman put in to keep hospitals running. This year, St. Vincent’s St. Clair celebrated this annual event by hosting a backyard-style barbeque luncheon on Wednesday, May 9, for all associates.


The luncheon was catered by Jim’N Nick’s restaurant, and a snow cone station was also set up. The luncheon included more than just food, allowing associates to participate in volleyball, cornhole, horseshoes, and a dunking booth that featured several Managers and Directors waiting to be dropped in the water, including Administrator Lisa Nichols.

The annual event has different activities every year for “staff to get engaged and do something fun,” according to Lisa Nichols. Nichols also stated that the event is just to “show appreciation for all dedicated associates who provide healthcare to patients and community.” She also mentioned that meals would be delivered to night staff who couldn’t attend the daytime activities.


Though the luncheon was on Wednesday, National Nurses’ Week had a special occasion for every day, recognizing all nurses, technicians and assistants. This week-long celebration had special goodies and planned activities each day for nurses, officially ending on Saturday, May 12. Friday featured a luau theme, serving birthday cake in recognition of Florence Nightingale, who is credited as the founder of modern nursing, and whose birthday is May 12, 1820.

There is a total of 150 nursing staff at St. Vincent’s St. Clair who were celebrated last week. In addition, there are approximately 275 total associates, from all departments of the hospital, who participated on Wednesday’s celebration.


Nichols stated she wanted “everyone to feel loved and appreciated” during National Hospital Week, and she succeeded in just that.