Elvis is in the building! ‘Four Weddings and an Elvis’ coming to CEPA

Published 8:00 am Thursday, March 29, 2018

Lines are memorized, the set is built, and tickets are on sale.  The only missing piece now is an audience.  That’s right.  The cast needs you to come out to see the hilarious “Four Weddings and an Elvis” at the Pell City Center for Education and Performing Arts (CEPA) on April 6-8.

“Four Weddings and an Elvis” by Nancy Frick is a hysterical comedy set in a Las Vegas Wedding chapel.  During the course of the play, the audience meets characters such as love-sick Beverly (Kelcy Williams), tattooed convict Fist (Miguel Burgos), washed-up movie stars Vanessa (Julie Funderburg) and Bryce (Mark Brown) and, of course, Elvis (Jacob Call).

“I had no idea how I was going to find the actors to play such a variety of roles,” says Warren.  “I definitely got lucky with this cast.”

“If you’re looking for a reason to laugh, ‘Four Weddings and an Elvis’ is your answer,” says Blair Goodgame, who plays the role of chapel owner Sandy.  “I get a kick every night just watching the cast have so much fun rehearsing. This has been a blast!” 

Director Lesley Warren said, “This has been a difficult show to direct because the cast won’t stop laughing!  I can’t get anything done!”

As if the play weren’t enough, actor Jacob Call will perform an Intermission show as Elvis!  He will perform a selection of some of The King’s most popular songs during the break between acts, so it’s almost like getting two shows for the price of one.

You can support your community theater and dedicated local actors by catching “Four Weddings and an Elvis” at CEPA on April 6 and 7 at 7 p.m. and April 8 at 2 p.m.  Reserve your tickets by visiting www.pellcitycepa.com.

Four Weddings and an Elvis will be performed at CEPA as part of the Spotlight program.  Spotlight is a countywide, all-ages drama education program developed by CEPA Executive Director Jeff Thompson and Jefferson State Community College – St. Clair Associate Dean Dr. Nicholas Kin. Its mission is to foster drama education and encourage community participation in theater in St. Clair County. Spotlight is supported by Honda, The Alabama Council on the Arts, and The Pell City School System.