Celebrating veterans: First graders perform for those who sacrificed, served

Published 5:06 pm Wednesday, February 28, 2018

As the yellow school bus pulled up in front of the Col. Robert L. Howard Veterans Home in Pell City, some veterans mulled around the entrance with anticipation.

First graders from Eden Elementary filed out, creating a long line down the grand entranceway of the Veterans Home. They were there with a purpose: to serve.

Students had collected items as a community outreach for their 100th Day of School. In all, they collected over 1,034 items for veterans to use as Bingo prizes. The first graders and their teachers had also prepared a patriotic program to perform with songs and poems.

The four classes of first graders began with the Pledge of Allegiance. Katelynn Tinsley’s class recited a poem, “I am a poppy” while holding red paper-plate poppies.

Tinsley said, “We thank them for their service and the price they chose to pay, and our glad to celebrate our Veterans.”

While the students were singing “My Country Tis of Thee,” one veteran could be overheard saying, “Glory to God, if that ain’t a beautiful sight!”

Around 249 Veterans currently live at the Col. Robert L. Howard Veterans Home in Pell City, although not all of them were able to attend the performance. Students also sang, “This Land is Your Land,” and finished with the National Anthem, with veterans joining in.

“We were very excited to come out here,” Carla Callahan, first grade teacher at Eden Elementary said. “We are very proud of our first graders for donating over 1034 items, including treats, toiletries, and stuffed animals. We are honored to be here today.”

After the performance, first grade students walked around the large gathering room with the vaulted ceilings and stone fireplace, shaking hands and greeting veterans. Some were even welcomed with a hug. 

“I had a fit!” Bill Johnson, retired Air Force and resident of the veterans home said. “They had a good time.”