Why Do I Want To Remain Your Commissioner?

Published 2:04 pm Thursday, February 18, 2016

I have been involved in serving my community for many, many years. Everywhere I lived, I have become involved in what was happening in that area and tried to help improve conditions. St. Clair County is no different.

Before moving here, I helped organize the Jaycees (Junior Chamber of Commerce) where we then lived, and served a term as President. I also was a member of the Kiwanis Club, served as President, and was very active in that organization.

Learn more about Commissioner Tommy Bowers

After moving to Pell City, I became very active in the community and helped organize or continued to support many community events. Most notable among these is the Pell City Chamber of Commerce Block Party, which I helped organize. I was a member of the original Pell City Chamber Block Party Committee and served on it for many years. 

I served two terms as the Pell City Chamber of Commerce President, and many terms as a Board member. I was recognized for my service to the community and county by being voted by the membership as Citizen of the Year.

I served as the Pell City Rotary Club President, and was recognized by that organization for my outstanding service by being awarded a Paul Harris Fellowship, the highest honor a member can receive from Rotary.

The Pell City Schools Foundation is another organization I am proud to have helped found, and it has been a great asset to the community. The St. Clair County Schools Education Foundation is also a wonderful asset to this county.

I was a founding member of the St. Clair County Economic Development Council and served as its first Chairman. As Chairman, I signed the deeds for Jefferson State Community College, the new St. Vincent’s St. Clair hospital, and the Col. Robert Howard State Veterans Home. These have all been invaluable to our county and citizens.

Over the years I have worked tirelessly for this county, and have become familiar with the needs of the area. That was a major factor in my desire to be appointed to my current position as Commissioner representing District 3 on the St. Clair County Commission.

I received this appointment on the merits of my past service to this area and because I promised to continue that service, and not because of any political favoritism. I promised to continue to serve the needs of the people of St. Clair County and that is what I have done and will continue to do as YOUR Commissioner!

This is a political advertisement paid for by Tommy Bowers, 70 Mockingbird Cir., Pell City, AL