Cooking with JFL: The perfect omelette
Published 3:28 pm Thursday, October 4, 2012
- This week JFL gets breakfast going again as he serves up "the perfect omelette."
The omelette, devised most likely by a bored french culinary instructor to torment his students. Well perhaps not but anyone who’s tried to make one knows that there are easier egg dishes to make. Still few are quite as delicious as a well made omelette, and once you know the tricks you to will master this creamy hearty delight. You see in essence an omelette is little more than scrambled eggs, as in our restaurant perfect scrambled eggs article. They require a touch of cream, a nonstick pan and near constant stirring over medium heat. The result is a fluffy pillow with divine fillings, and the admiration of whoever dines on this delectable day starter.
The Perfect Omelette
3 large eggs
1 tsp cream
2 tbsp butter
salt and pepper
a nonstick skillet
In a bowl whisk together cream, eggs, salt, and pepper. Meanwhile place a pan on medium high heat and add the butter, make sure it coats the pan very thoroughly, rub or better yet brush it over every inch. Once the butter has melted pour in your egg mixture and stir constantly with a rubber spatula. As curds begin to form swirl the pan gently letting the liquid fill the cracks once the liquid is mostly gone run your spatula around the outer edges to loosen it, giving it light shakes to keep it from sticking. Give the omelette a few seconds to stand and then gently with your spatula flip half the omelette over onto itself so that a third is still showing. Bring your pan to your plate and hold it at an angle gently rolling the omelette out, if done correctly you should have a lovely rolled egg dish. If not everyone loves scrambled eggs, buck up it takes a few tries. Serve with a light salad with a spicy vinaigrette.
So what to top your breakfast with? Why there are all manner of delicious ideas. Let me offer my favorite trio and one bit of advice. Please do not over top your omelette, you will lose the entire harmony of the dish should you merely pile them on. Our rule is to use no more than three toppings, cheese included.
JFL’s Favorite Topping Combo
1 handful crumbled feta
1 handful diced cooked pancetta
1 handful sauteed baby bella mushrooms
To saute the shrooms first dice them and toss them with a tbsp of Worcestershire and a ¼ cup of Dale’s low sodium steak sauce. Then cook the pancetta in a pan over medium high heat, first make slight incisions in each disc so they don’t turn into bowls. After the pancetta is cooked immediately take it out and pour the shrooms in with the fat. Stir them and let them cook until well coated and tender, about 5 minutes. Pancetta is a hearty Italian bacon and you should get it from your grocer’s deli, ask them to slice it thick. Make sure you cool the ingredients before topping.
JFL’s Southwest Heater Topping
1 cup Hot Breakfast sausage cooked and cooled
1 cup diced pickled jalapenos
1 cup shredded jack cheese.
This topping feeds the need for heat. And it’s a favorite of the family, so I had to include it. A great breakfast is your key to a great day, catch us again next time!
Joey Schmidt,or ‘JFL,’ is a Certified Sommelier, Birmingham Bar Menu Consultant, and local Culinary Graduate. He is also the Head Mixologist for Rated R Cocktails, which updates weekly with drink recipes and news. Look for Rated R Cocktails on Twitter, Facebook, and the Internet.