Cooking with JFL: Polynesian Dogs

Published 11:08 am Thursday, May 31, 2012

Memorial Day had passed but grilling is here for the rest of the summer. So many possibilities await, and old favorites are sure to appear. So why not dress one up with some new trimmings? These Polynesian dogs may seem odd at first glance, but they pack balance and flavor to please any taste bud.  The crisp toasted bun and refreshing salsa packs a wallop, and would probably also be great on burgers or tacos.

Polynesian Dogs


One 8 pack Nathans bun length hot dogs

One 8 pack hot dog buns

1 tsp Sriacha

1 stick butter

¼ cup fresh diced pineapple

¼ cup chopped fresh cilantro

½ diced yellow onion

1 seeded jalapeno, diced

½ cup white wine vinegar

Juice of one lime



Melt the butter and stir in Sriacha, brush the inside of the buns and spread them on a sheet pan facing inside up under the broiler for 50 seconds. In a bowl combine the last 8 ingredients and stir leaving to sit and marry in the fridge until ready to serve. For best results allow the salsa 30 minutes to set up before you toast the buns. Season to taste with salt and pepper. Grill the dogs until full cooked, and place in toasted buns then top with salsa. For best results prepare one at a time lest the salsa make the buns soggy.

This dish woks well with your run of the mill hot dog buns, but if you can find a harder more European style bun your efforts will be rewarded. I enjoyed this with a cold IPA, but it would go equally well with a tart daiquiri or Sauvignon Blanc. Enjoy the summer of spice and smoke. Remember it’s great to love and old favorite, but don’t forget to keep trying new things.