Reward Offered in Missing Woman Case

Published 10:53 am Friday, September 25, 2009

Gov. Bob Riley offered a reward this week for information relating to the disappearance of a Pell City woman.

The Governor’s office is offering a $5,000 reward for information leading to the arrest and conviction of the guilty person or persons involved in the disappearance of Kelley Henderson Howard.

Howard, 41, has been missing since June 2 of this year.

St. Clair County District Attorney Richard Minor said his office made the contact requesting the reward from the governor.

Minor said that Riverside Mayor Rusty Jessup and the St. Clair County Sheriff’s Department had requested help in securing the reward.

Howard was last seen at Family Dentistry in Riverside, where she worked as a dental


The dentist office owned by Dr. Rick Mitchell, of Cropwell, closes each day between 12 and 1 p.m. for lunch. Kelley’s mom was reported as saying that Kelley said there was a knock on the door at the dentist office around 1 p.m. and that she needed to go answer it. That was the last time anyone has acknowledged any contact with Kelley.

However, Kelley’s car was found in the dental clinic’s parking lot, but her personal belongings were missing.

According to law enforcement, her credit cards, ATM card and cell phone have not been used since her June 2 disappearance.

Family Dentistry in Riverside has since reopened. However, Dr. Mitchell has not returned to work due to a reported illness.

Family and friends have been forthcoming in their statements about Kelly’s disappearance and desire to help.

Many question remain as to the sudden disappearance of Kelly from her place of work. Perhaps the Mitchell’s might be able to shed some light on Kelley’s last hours, her state of mind and any interpersonal matters that might have led to her disappearance.

A new search for Kelly will be held Saturday, September 26, according to the website “Help Find Kelley Henderson Howard—MISSING” at

“The family is asking everyone with a few hours to spare to please come out and help search the area where Kelley disappeared. This will be the second and praying the biggest search. As many of you know it is a large area and on our first search only about 1/4 of the area was searched we need as many people as possible to help to get the word out and the ground covered. So please pass the word around, and take a little time out of your day to help us we will be meeting behind the DOLLAR GENERAL on HWY 21, at 8:00 am. Any one needing more info or directions may contact TIM FREE (256) 591-0223 OR TRACI HENDERSON GARDNER @256)770-3833”

Anyone with information about Howard or her disappearance should call the County Sheriff’s Office or the Riverside Police Department at 205-884-3333 or 205-884-2677.