There’s still time to register for Leadership Summit coming to Barber Motorsports

IMPACT Leadership Summit  is coming to Leeds at Barber Motorsports scheduled for Friday and Saturday, Jan. 18-19.   This summit is designed just for young adults with a high energy weekend planned to equip each attendee with important leadership skills needed to be a success! 

A generation ago, leaders had decades to prepare for their responsibilities in their chosen field, but today we see leaders starting and running multi-billion-dollar organizations as young as their early twenties.  It has never been more important than now to prepare our young people for their role in society, business, finance and technology. 

This is the spirit in which JC Impact will host the upcoming IMPACT Leadership Summit just for young adults.  During this summit, attendees will learn the valuable leadership skills necessary to conduct their business in whatever field they choose with integrity, promptness and a stellar attitude.  The summit consists of six sessions, developed for emerging leaders in all industries and fields of discipline whether you or your young person plan to go into science, technology, medicine, finance or the construction industry.

This event is an excellent opportunity to make a difference in the success of a young adult in your company or in your household.  If you are a young adult, this could be one of the more important decisions in your success journey to attend this conference.  So exactly what age constitutes young adult?  Young Adult is generally a person ranging from late teens or early twenties to their thirties. 

The investment for all six sessions, including triad discussions and a wrap-up seminar, is only $125.  For more information and to register for this event, please visit

JC Impact is headed by Rev. Jacky Connell of Eden Westside Baptist Church.  In addition to over 30 years as senior pastor, Connell has decades of experience in the business realm.  He offers regular leadership conferences, podcasts, training seminars, luncheons and more.