11th Annual Tablescapes luncheon raises funds for Love Panty, Lakeside Hospice

The 11th Annual Tablescapes luncheon was held at Pell City First United Methodist Church to benefit the Christian Love Pantry and Lakeside Hospice raising over $17,000. 

Over 250 people were in attendance, sitting at tables elaborately decorated by local charitable groups, individuals, and businesses.

Table decorations were voted on by attendees. The First place winner was Metro Bank decorated by the employees and the second place winner was the Harvest Center Church decorated by Dawn Lovell and other church members.

Larry Wimberly sang and swooned the ladies in attendance with his Elvis impersonation. Wimberly sang several of Elvis’ hit songs while engaging the crowd with signed scarves.

Both organizations, The Christian Love Pantry and Lakeside Hospice, split the proceeds of the benefit luncheon, this year each receiving $8,500. 

For more information on the Christian Love Pantry, visit their Facebook page at The Christian Love Pantry. For more information about Lakeside Hospice, visit www.lakesidehospice.org.