Coal City Corner – July 17

Mt. Moriah Baptist Church, 1425 Mt. Moriah Rd., Pell City, will have a Youth Revival Sunday, Aug.1-Tuesday-Aug. 3 at 7 p.m. each night. Rev. Josh Dollar of the Odenville area will be this guest evangelist. The Mt. Moriah Church family invites everyone.

Broken Arrow Baptist Church, family of our community, honored Mrs. Loretta Isbell with an Appreciation Dinner recently. The church’s fellowship Hall was the scene of this special occasion. Loretta has printed the Church’s weekly bulletins for several years. She receives many compliments from those of us who have seen and read the bulletins, which are very informative as well as inspirational. She received a monetary gift from the church family.

Happy birthday to my friends Elizabeth “Liz” Williams, July 2, and Evelyn Tollison, July 17!

Our prayers and condolences are with the family of Edith Arnold Pike, 90, of Pell City. She passed away on June 27, 2021. Every one of us who knew and loved Edith remember her beautiful smile, despite suffering extreme trauma and grief of three of her children passing away. We will sadly miss her.

Our prayers and condolences are also with the family of Jean Davis Owen, 84, of Pell City who passed away on Monday, July 5, 2021. Jean and I were close friends for many years, we kept in touch with each other. I enjoyed her keen wit. She will be sadly missed by all of us who loved and knew her.

Readers, when you have news items to share, please call me at 205-884-0040. If I’m not available to answer the phone, please leave me your name and phone number and I will call you. Thank you.