All About Ashville: Independence Day Celebration
The city that touts itself as a small town with big city amenities is living up to the claim. It has the fast paced environment of a big city with so much to do. There are so many events and enhancements to previously planned happenings.
Gorgus Market’s Christmas in July is still adding new vendors including Avon, boutique clothing, and painted signs. More updates will be posted before the July 12 event.
But first, the city is hosting a fireworks display in the town square on July 4.
According to Time magazine, the celebration of the United States’ independence dates all the way back to our first Independence Day after the signing of the Declaration of Independence in 1776. Back then, our nation’s independence was marked by the firing of cannons and gunfire. As it was in the middle of the Revolutionary war, it was also used to encourage and motivate our soldiers fighting against the British Empire for what seemed at the time, an impossible dream– the dream of defeating that empire and becoming our own country. Co creator of the Declaration of Independence and, at the time, future president said he hoped our nation’s defeat of the British and transition from thirteen colonies to our own country with, “bonfires, canons and illuminations for years to come.” This hope was, in spirit, fulfilled.
Safety issues called for something less explosive (pun intended) than canons, bonfires and guns and in a more private atmosphere. So, the use of firecrackers were employed. The first ones being made of bamboo.Even now, we still use fire to celebrate our country and our citizenship.
So, come out to the Ashville town square July 4 at 9 p.m. after the heat of the day.
And remember, it’s not just a pretty fireworks display in the night sky. It is a long standing, time honored 243 year old patriotic tradition of our country. It is the fulfillment of the wish of our founding fathers. And it is a way to honor the ultimate sacrifice of the soldiers who fought and died for the new world, a world who opened its doors to the “tired, the poor, the huddled masses yearning to breathe free.”
And, yes, the pretty fireworks are fun too! Enjoy.