New names tagged for Confederate bases
WASHINGTON, D.C. — New names have been recommended for several military bases named for Confederate leaders, including installations in Georgia and Alabama.
During listening sessions and a public comment period via its website last year, a commission tasked with finding new names for the bases received more than 34,000 submissions for renaming, which included 3,670 unique names.
The proposed Georgia and Alabama Army installations and background, per the commission, include:
Alabama bases
In Alabama, Fort Novosel is the proposed new name for Fort Rucker in commemoration of Chief Warrant Officer 4 Michael J. Novosel Sr.
An Army aviator, Novosel joined the Army Air Corps at the age of 19 in 1941 and continued serving in the Army through 1984. He is known for various heroic actions in aviation; most notably, his actions in saving a group of wounded and surrounded South Vietnamese soldiers, the commission reports.
On six different occasions, enemy attacks became so great that Novosel was forced to withdraw, momentarily leaving the area and then returning from another direction to confuse and elude their assaults.
Georgia bases
In Georgia, the commission proposes renaming Fort Benning as Fort Moore in commemoration of Lt. Gen. Hal and Julia Moore.
Lt. Gen. Hal Moore spent his 32-year career in various parts of the country and the world. As a general officer, he oversaw and led the post-war transition to the all-volunteer Armed Forces the U.S. has maintained ever since.
Julia Moore accompanied taxi drivers tasked with delivering telegrams for news of death or injury. She also attended the funerals of the men in her husband’s command who had been killed. Her complaints to the Pentagon led to the creation of casualty notification teams (as well as survivor support networks) that still carry out this difficult task today.
Fort Eisenhower is the recommended name to replace Fort Gordon in Georgia. The name would commemorate the 34th president’s service as an Army general.
Relying on his military experience and diplomatic skill, he strengthened American allies and avoided direct military confrontations. At the end of his presidency in 1961, he retired from public service.
Additional bases
Other Confederate-named bases and their proposed new names include:
– Fort Bragg, North Carolina to be renamed Fort Liberty after the value of liberty.
– Fort A.P. Hill, Va., to be renamed as Fort Walker after Dr. Mary Walker.
– Fort Hood, Texas, to be renamed Fort Cavazos after Gen. Richard Cavazos.
– Fort Lee, Va., to be renamed Fort Gregg-Adams after Lt. Gen. Arthur Gregg and Lt. Col. Charity Adams.
– Fort Pickett, Va., to be renamed Fort Barfoot after Tech. Sgt. Van T. Barfoot.
– Fort Polk, La., to be renamed Fort Johnson after Sgt. William Henry Johnson.