Chamber seeks funding to extend list of local events
Looking forward to 2016, the Greater Pell City Chamber of Commerce is planning its event schedule. And because those events require public funding, the Pell City City Council is considering which ones will be of most benefit to the city and its residents.
Budget is the big topic for governments in Alabama right now as the 2016 fiscal year approaches on Oct. 1. During the Council’s second budget work session on Tuesday, Sept. 8, Chamber Director Lisa Gaither introduced the possibility of bringing a new event to the city next April — an Alabama Student Bass Fishing Association tournament.
For $5,000, the City could sponsor a 250-boat tournament on Lake Logan Martin. Each three-person boat of high school anglers and a team captain, she said, would likely spend the night on Friday and fish all day Saturday, meaning thousands in tax revenue from hotel stays alone.
“It’s an iceberg effect for the local economy,” she told the Council. “What you see on the top is just a portion of the impact this even will bring to the city.”
The concept is similar to the Alabama Toughman Half-Triathlon, which took place at Lakeside Park in August. For that, participants travel from across the country. They stay the night in Pell City hotels and eat at Pell City restaurants. The Chamber attempted to use the influx this year to add another event to its annual schedule with the Logan Martin Blues and BBQ Bash, which Gaither said was considered by attendees to be a success.
“I haven’t heard one complaint about Blues and BBQ,” Gaither said.
The City sponsored the Triathlon with a contribution of $3,500, and it gave $5,000 to support this year’s annual Downtown Block Party. Blues and BBQ is an event Gaither said she believes will grow into a selling point for the city, so added to its planned contribution of $48,500 for FY 2016, the City could be providing the Chamber with $53,500 including funding the fishing tournament.
To Gaither, it’s worth it. The Pell City High School fishing team, led by Coach Curtis Gossett, is the reigning state champion of the Student Bass Fishing Association, and it would be a statement to hold one of next year’s events on home turf. But every dollar assigned during budgeting can only go to one line item.
“All these events are good, and you’re doing a tremendous job,” Council member Jay Jenkins told Gaither. “But the fact of matter is on all these events we have a tremendous cost. Combing and cutting another $5,000 out is hard to do.”
Gaither promised to return with a breakdown of what the City’s contribution would specifically fund. In the meantime, the Council continues to review its allocations for next year. The next budget hearing is tonight, Sept. 10, at 5 p.m. at City Hall.