Latest Lawn And Garden


Utilizing those fall leaves in your landscape and garden

Fall is finally upon us, even if the temperatures seem to disagree. Thankfully, the mornings are a little ...


Fall Gardening in Our Area of Alabama

Warm-season Turfgrass – To Overseed or Not to Overseed Overseeding with a cool-season grass like ryegrass can make ...


What’s Wrong with My Squash?

Recently, a home vegetable gardener who was perplexed with her latest squash harvest contacted me. Until recently, she ...


Timing is key when it comes to pruning

With every rule, there is an exception. Such is the case with pruning. Typically, for blooming plants, a ...


Soil Health Education at Walter M Kennedy Elementary School

The St. Clair County Conservation District educated first and second graders at Walter M Kennedy Elementary School in ...


Spring has sprung and it’s gorgeous

It seems like it was only yesterday when I was complaining about winter “hanging on” and holding spring ...


Celebrating 200 Years of Alabama Agriculture

The week leading up to Thanksgiving, November 16-22, is National Farm-City Week. The 2018 National Ag Day and ...


St. Clair County graduates Master Gardener Interns

These nineteen participants recently embarked on a journey to learn more about gardening in hopes of becoming certified ...


Confessions of a Plant Addict

Hello, everyone. My name is Rita, and I’m a plant addict.  It started when a friend gave me ...


Register for St. Clair County Extension Office Farming 201 Course

Last year the St. Clair County Extension Office offered a Farming 101 course for those who were interested ...

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