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Which president would you pick to fight the current pandemic?

If you were picking the best president to battle the coronavirus pandemic, whom would you choose?

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Know The Truth Before You Vote on March 1

It might seem early to be saying this, but I want to extend a huge “Thank You” to ...

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“Just because GASOLINE prices are going down IS NOT A GOOD REASON TO RAISE TAXES!” As a true ...

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Why Do I Want To Remain Your Commissioner?

I have been involved in serving my community for many, many years. Everywhere I lived, I have become ...

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Stan Batemon: A Life of Service

Stan Batemon grew up in Fultondale and graduated from Tarrant H.S. He is the oldest of the 7 ...

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Who is Tommy Bowers?

A graduate of Brantley High School in Crenshaw County, Ala., Tommy was offered a football scholarship to Jacksonville ...
